Carboxyethane; Propionate; Tenox P Grain Preservative; Sentry Grain Preservative; 3-hydroxypropionic acid; hydroacrylic acid; Methyl acetic acid; Ethylformic acid; Luprosil; Ethanecarboxylic acid; metacetonic acid; propionic acid grain preserver; prozoin; pseudoacetic acid; sentry grain preserver; Bugle; Propcorn; Propanoic acid, Propionic acid, Propionate.
Propionates, some of wich are used as mold inhibitors in bread and cheese products and fungicides in general; herbicides; preservative for grains and wood chips; emulsifying agents; solutions for electroplating nickel; perfume esters; artificial fruit flavors; pharmaceuticals; cellulose propionate plastics.